Monday, December 9, 2019

How did I do

I interviewed last minute today and wanted your feed back on how I did! ;))


  1. You were so calm and you knew exactly what you were talking about! You did such a good job!

  2. You had really great posture, a very professional outfit and answered the questions very detailed. Just be more confident with your answers that way you won't stutter as much since you have really interesting things to say. Overall great job!

  3. Your voice is soft so I couldn't hear you too well but your pace was good and you didn't seem nervous too much. It seemed like you were comfortable during the interview, you were prepared and confident in your answers, really good job!

  4. Beautifully dressed. Admired the fact that you came late because you were sick but still pushed through.

  5. First things first your outfit was so nice!Although, your interview was last minute the interview was not affected at all! You spoke clearly and were insightful in your responses. And you were prepared! The only thing I can think of in terms of improvement is to speak a tad bit slower.



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