Wednesday, November 6, 2019


  • People make changes all the time 
  • People can learn and grow over time without changing their values 
  • Malice=evil intentions 
  • Vanity= looking good 
  • Don't act like you're good if you're not good 
  • If you act rude and mean in private like at home but do one good thing out of the few you can to make yourself look good then you are a bad person on the inside regardless of what you show on the outside
  • Virtues: good things about people, 
  • It is easier to be one with yourself and your thoughts rather than followthe herd dismissing your values to fit in 

I think Emerson made mny good point, I like the part where he mentions

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


There will never be another you, everyone one of you is new 
  • Relaxation is not actually relaxing b/c we look back and don't see the things we wanted at the beginnig, we don't reach our goals in time so it isn't reall relaxing 
  • Emerson talks about how young people are non chalent, not caring. Teacher cares student doesn't they get offended 
  • They don't care what they don't care about and they will make it known
  • We have choices and we must make considerations, compromise 
  • A room with adults an 
  • Children, babies, rude people, just being themselves out-loud, maybe we shouldn't look at it as such a bad thing 
  • We are aware of the way that people see us, if we don't express ourselves our voices turn faint and inaudible 
  • Born after 9/11, not nearly as much obedience, 
  • Being 

Monday, November 4, 2019


You think somethings and you believe what you believe to be right 
   This comes out as selfish 
Belief in who you are, to get other people to: Belief is genuis rather than the thought itself 
These people didn't bind themselves by what was written, Moses, Plato
  Imitation is suicide: be yourself and trying to be someone else: If you succeed in being someone else you lose yourself. 
The only champion, capatain of your doing ship, you thinking ship, is you! 
tone:serious Philosophical 

I really like how the author expresses the theme through his writing, he manages to do it in a way where we can find connections to. Something else that I liked about his writing is that he writes in a way that can confuse the reader into misinterpreting the meaning of what he's trying to say. I think that the message throught the essay is pretty clear, especially with the background info given. The way the writer has a way of making the essay sound motivational rather than putting down people who don't have much self-reliance. It's very informational for anyone looking for ways to better themselves, a sort of self care. It seems like a passasge you'd read in a self care handbook.


Why does Nick decide he wants to move away from his home town ?  Where does Nick move to and who does he go visit?  Who's Gatsby to...